Attribute "samehead"

Used by:edge
Description: edges with the same head node and the same samehead attribute value are aimed at the same point on the head.
Values:any string
Default Value:""
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Example 1/1:
Source code:
(graph ()
(node ((id "a1") (label "a")))
(node ((id "b1") (label "b")))
(node ((id "c1") (label "c")))
(node ((id "d1") (label "d")))
(node ((id "a2") (label "a")))
(node ((id "b2") (label "b")))
(node ((id "c2") (label "c")))
(node ((id "d2") (label "d")))
(edge ((from "a1") (to "d1") (samehead "a")))
(edge ((from "b1") (to "d1") (samehead "a")))
(edge ((from "c1") (to "d1") (samehead "a")))
(edge ((from "a2") (to "d2")))
(edge ((from "b2") (to "d2")))
(edge ((from "c2") (to "d2"))))
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