Element "edge"

Parents:graph, sub-graph
Child elements:no child elements.
Description:An edge between two nodes.
Attributes:arrowhead, arrowsize, arrowtail, color, constraint, decorate, dir, fontcolor, fontname, fontsize, from (required), headlabel, headport, label, labeldistance, labelfloat, labelfontcolor, labelfontname, labelfontsize, lhead, ltail, minlen, style, samehead, sametail, taillabel, tailport, to (required)
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Example 1/2:
Source code:
(graph ((rankdir "LR") (ranksep "1"))
(node ((id "a")))
(node ((id "b")))
(node ((id "c")))
(node ((id "d")))
(node ((id "e")))
(node ((id "f")))
(edge ((from "a") (to "b") (arrowhead "diamond") (color "#FF0000") (headlabel "head\nlabel") (label "red edge") (labelfontname "Arial") (fontname "courier") (arrowsize "2")))
(edge ((from "c") (to "d") (dir "both") (fontname "Arial") (fontsize "13") (label "dir='both'")))
(edge ((from "e") (to "f") (minlen "2") (label "minlen=2\nstyle=dotted") (style "dotted"))))
Example 2/2:
Source code:
(graph ((rankdir "LR") (ranksep "0.6"))
(node ((id "a")))
(node ((id "b")))
(node ((id "c") (shape "box")))
(node ((id "d")))
(node ((id "e")))
(edge ((from "a") (to "b") (sametail "a") (style "dashed") (label "dashed") (fontname "courier") (arrowsize "3")))
(edge ((from "a") (to "c") (sametail "a") (fontname "Arial") (fontsize "10") (label "headport=':ne'") (headport ":ne")))
(edge ((from "c") (to "d") (label "blue") (color "#0000FF")))
(edge ((from "b") (to "e") (label "green") (color "#00FF00") (fontname "Arial")))
(edge ((from "d") (to "e") (label "constraint='false'") (constraint "false"))))
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 Copyright 2006-2010 by Martin Loetzsch (http://martin-loetzsch.de), all rights reserved. See the S-Dot licence for details.