Element "node"

Parents:graph, cluster, sub-graph, record
Child elements:no child elements.
Description:A single node of the graph.

If a node appears inside a record, it has only the both attributes id and label.
Attributes:color, fillcolor, fixedsize, fontcolor, fontname, fontsize, height, id, label, shape, style, width
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Example 1/1:
Source code:
(graph ()
(node ((id "a") (label "nice node") (shape "box") (fontname "Arial") (fontcolor "#AA0000")))
(node ((id "b") (label "height='0.8'") (shape "box") (fontname "Courier") (height "0.8") (style "dashed")))
(node ((id "c") (fillcolor "#AAFFAA") (color "#0000AA") (label "blue") (style "filled") (fontsize "16")))
(node ((id "d") (shape "hexagon") (label "hexagon") (fontcolor "#AA0000") (fontname "Arial") (fontsize "10") (style "dotted"))))
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